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Blackcurrant Parfait with Cassis Sauce

Serves 6-8


230g (8 oz) Blackcurrants

4 egg Yolks

4 oz Caster Sugar

2 Tblsp Crème de Cassis

140 ml (1/4 Pint) Double / Whipping Cream, lightly whipped

For the sauce:

6 tblsp Blackcurrant Jelly

3 Tblsp Creme de Cassis

1 Tblsp Lemon Juice



Put the blackcurrants into a large pan with 3 tblsp water and simmer for 5 minutes, until tender. Puree in a blender, then sieve to give a smooth puree.

Put the egg yolks in a large mixing bowl and beat lightly. Put the sugar in a small heavy based saucepan with 2 fl oz water. Heat gently until the sugar has been dissolved completely, then bring to the boil. Simmer for 2 minutes, remove from the heat and leave to stand for 1 minute. Pour in a thin steady stream on to the egg yolks, whisking continuously, until the mixture is pale, thick and completely cold. Whisk in the cassis. Then fold in the cream and blackcurrant puree using a large metal spoon. Pour into the prepared tin and freeze for at least 6 hours, or overnight, until solid.

To make the sauce, gently melt the jelly in a small pan with 140 ml (1/4 pint) water. Stir in the cassis and lemon juice to make a smooth sauce. Leave to cool.

Transfer the parfait to the fridge 30 mins before serving. When ready to serve, turn out and cut into slices. Place a slice on chilled individual plates, with a little cassis sauce. To decorate, put a little cream on sauce and feather. Serve immediately, with remaining sauce served separately.